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Flashdance: It was awesome...when I was 13

I loved everything about this movie when I first saw it. I was a kid and didn't have the exacting standards I have now. I re-watched this on one of the many streamers I have and wow - I was mortified. It's an old man fever dream - some weird fantasy cooked up by old dude's who see a world where a beautiful 18 year old needs her super old boss to help her follow her dreams. Yikes.

If you want clarity - look at how the actors I'm speaking of look now:

This was the beginning of marketing taking over cinema and it worked. The movie was a huge hit. I had the poster in my room. But for some reason, when I look at the script, the overall message and the lack of any real plot NOW, I'm a little sad for us. The 80's were an interesting decade - and I would hope we'd demand better now. I would hope...

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